Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4 Pieces of the Employee Recognition Puzzle: 3- Peer to Peer Recognition

Receiving praise and adequate recognition from managers, supervisors, and directors is important, as we have discussed in the first two puzzle pieces here and here. The third element can be just as influential on the success and retention of employees in your company: Peer to Peer Recognition.

Peer Recognition is important because it's human nature to want to feel accepted. Acceptance and support from peers is vital. When a person feels support from their colleagues and recognizes that not only will their work affect others close to them on the same level, but they will be appreciated for that work, it is an additional motivation.

Give your employees the opportunity to call-out their fellow colleagues for doing something good, for accomplishments and achievements. Encourage simple gestures, because those can go a long way. To more formally implement a peer to peer recognition, hold nominations for employee of the month/quarter/year to give the staff an opportunity to recognize who they believe stands out and who makes their jobs easier or better.

When there is a good atmosphere and camaraderie amongst peers, that element of teamwork will only push the company's goals further. To encourage and appreciate when a member of the team steps up to help others, it makes the business more successful and more productive. Encourage this practice in your company and you will see results. More people getting more done= more success for your business.

A great solution is to provide simple tools for words of encouragement or small items for peers to give to each other to show their appreciation. Check out our Koodos kits and consider using these as an opportunity for employees to be able to give these to each other. Maybe have the kits on hand and encourage employees to come to managers to nominate their peer for a Koodos gift. There could be a gesture made of this employee giving their colleague a "Koodos" mug in front of the office, or in private. Either way, the gesture will build a stronger team and company loyalty.

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