Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tips for Budgeting for a Years of Service Award Program

Years of Service Awards Programs are a great way to display your appreciation of the loyalty of employees for any number of years. This day and age, when loyalty in customers is hard to keep, it’s nearly as difficult to find an employee with extensive tenure in an organization. Turnover costs are high, and grow every day, so anytime you can thank and appreciate your employees for working hard to keep their jobs and who dedicate themselves to your cause, it is a great idea.

When budgeting for a program, no budget should be considered too big or too small. However, it is important to make a gift worthwhile in the eyes of the employee. Any gesture will make an impression, but making a strong impression that lasts will resonate with other employees and make the employee feel special and perhaps will work even harder to prove the gesture was well-deserved.

Our award program that we deem the most effective is the program of choice. Allowing your employees to choose their award from a slew of worthwhile gifts will leave the lasting impression you want. When they choose a gift, they will be choosing something that they want to use or will need for possibly years to come. Whenever they look at the purse, watch, home appliance, or sports item they chose from the selection you gave them, they will remember the meaning behind that gift. It also disguises the amount you spend on them, so again, no matter what your budget they are seeing a gift, and not a number.

If you would like to learn more about budgeting for a Years of Service Award Program, other forms of recognition and incentives, or would like to re-vitalize a current program you have please contact Bukoo Gifts. We can customize a program to your budget and make your program as effective as possible! 1-866-446-1064

If you are at a loss on where to begin here is a typical budget we see for years of service awards:

1 year- $25-$50.00
3 year-$25-$75
5 year-$50-100
10 year- $50-150
15 year -$100-200
20 year- $200 +
25 year-$200 +
30 year- $250 +

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