Monday, October 25, 2010

Gift Cards are Lame!

Every year around this time, we start to think about the upcoming holidays. Seeing as it is exactly TWO months until Christmas, (Fair warning), it's time to start thinking about your holiday gifts this year, whether you want to or not.  I am guilty as are many others of falling back on gift cards each year when I have the lack of time or creativity to think of anything else for my friends and family. I have also fallen prey to the I give you a $25 gift card to Target, and you give me a . . . $25 gift card to Target. It's gotten me thinking that may be we should can gifts and just spend $25 on ourselves at Target or Home Depot or wherever. But that's not fun! I like giving gifts, but sometimes it just plain stinks that I don't have the time to find something for everyone.

Gift cards are lame for another obvious reason- you tell the person exactly how much you spent on them! It creates for awkward situations in some cases (we've all spent more or less on a gift card than was reciprocated by that person), and is just, well, tacky!

Bukoo Gifts is a classy option for those who don't have the time to shop for their friends and family. When you send a Bukoo Gift through e-mail, you send a selection of gifts- things people actually want like Vera Bradley bags, Sony iPod docks, RCA Home Theater equipment, and iPods! Your recipient gets to choose their gift without knowing the cost! Take a look at the gift catalog: The price points go from $25-$1000 and are full of name brand gifts in each price point.  You choose the price point and they choose the gift from that price point! It's so easy for both of you. And to keep it personal you can put a personal message to your recipient with a Christmas or Holiday theme. No worries about shipping costs, it's all inclusive. Whatever they choose gets shipped directly to them, and you get an e-mail telling you what they chose. It's a perfect option and it's way better than gift cards. Trust me, I'm a doctor.